[Chaos CD]
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Phone phreaking, perhaps more than any other pastime, requires a great deal of savoir faire. If you want to be free to phreak, you have to know how to watch your step. There is a definite art to speaking on the telephone. For example: it simply isn't cool to call up a friend and speak openly about illegal activities. The chances of a phreak's call being tapped are significant, and your friend won't appreciate it either. Wait for operators to click off before beeping. Other common sense rules include not giving out the names and numbers of other phreaks or those places where phone phreaks hang out or buy their equipment. Listen always for the operator to click off, and even then never assume the line is completely cool. Also remember short frequent calls are more effective than long calls. The fewer times you continue to use the same phone location the cooler it is also.

Many of the phione phreaks whom we know have been busted have known common sense rules in general, but trusted too many people into their confidence. As a rule never let too many people know you are a phone phreak; informing by others is the most common bust. Sometimes these informants turn out to be "friends". If you suspect someone is going to bust you stop phreaking for a while. This goes for any suspicions you might have. If you feel beat merely stop phreaking or find a totally new location.

If you are approached by Ma Bell just say, "I want to talk to my lawyer first." That's all! You do not have to say anything without a lawyer. Find a lawyer you can relate to; it is not to advisable to rap with an ex-DA.

Remember above all that using your home phone for blue boxes is the easiest way to have Ma Bell come knocking at your door. Play it cool, and don't pay.

The People's Bicentennial Commission is a group working towards a Bicentennial celebration that is not the Corporate sales ripoff or the Pro-Administration indoctrination that the American Legion and the White House are attempting to put over on us. Rather, PBC is pushing for a nationwide education on what the values of the American Revolution and the Constitution really were, and how they've been lost. Write to them at 1346 Connecticut Ave. NW, Wash., d. c. 20036. Tell 'em Tommy Jefferson sent you.


  [Chaos CD]
[Gescannte Version] [ -- ] [ ++ ] [Suchen]